Thursday, April 25, 2019

Life around these parts. April, 2019

Today, my husband. with BeBop on his lap
My husband is alive. He was in a very serious car accident on February 25. 
My husband's car accident on February 25, 2019
He was in the hospital for 5 days, and skilled nursing for 5 more. He came home with a 24/7 neckbrace (he broke his neck) and a walker, and a 14 inch gash on his head.

Each day he is getting stronger, and remains in good spirits and has a positive attitude. He has been having regular physical therapy and occupational therapy.

Since Don won't drive again, we are a one-car, one-driver family. We bought a new, small SUV a few weeks ago. 

I decided to post this today, because he's having surgery on May 2, and I'm worried, as you can imagine. They'll try to repair the pinched nerve in his neck, that is causing numbness in his right hand, and to remove the bone fragments. Surgery will be 5-6 hours and he'll be in the hospital 2-3 days. 

So, dear readers, please send us both positive vibes and strength. I'll keep you posted.


  1. oh my...dear Jane - I am so sorry you both are going through this awful, very scary time. After surviving a horrific car accident myself (broke my pelvis & had to re-learn how to walk)...I shudder when I look at that picture above. I am so grateful that Don has survived - and continues to heal. I will keep you both in our prayer list here at St. James.. It's all I know how to do I guess...from this great distance. Sending you guys love and good wishes for speedy and sound healing, brilliant doctors & surgeons & health care staff. xo,roxanne

    1. thank you so much,'re always so kind to comment.. xoxoxo

  2. So sorry! Putting you both in our prayer basket! And believing for a great healing and speedy recovery! ♥

  3. thank you CC! much appreciated.

  4. I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers for for healing to Don, you and all who love Don. Nothing can diminish those huge smiles you both have!

  5. Survival is the name of the game and Don looks fabulous! Miracles happen every day and I will add a prayer for another miracle for you and Don.

  6. Shining light, love,and prayers to your doubly miraculous husband. I have a prayer basket as well. My thoughts and prayers for him and you, as well ❤

  7. How terrifying! Holding space for you, hubs and his surgeons. Much love and light coming your way.

  8. I'm reaiding your text here in Finland. I have followed your beautiful blog quite long. I,m sending you hopeful thoughts and light of northern spring.

  9. I hope you feel yourselves surrounded by love.... you and Don are very special to so many of us! Will be sending lots of healing thoughts your way on May 2. Hang in there!

  10. I will be keeping you, Don, and the doctors & nurses in my thoughts & prayers.

  11. Sending love, prayers and hugs!

  12. I'm so sorry you two are going through so much... I read of your husbands accidents when you mentioned it back in February. You are on my thoughts now as I read this, and of course will be on my mind, in my heart, and in my prayers in the coming week. Sending all good wishes, peace, love and calm as you get through the surgery and recovery!

  13. Oh no, that is so scary! I'm glad he is doing (relatively) well. Is he expected to recover fully?

    1. We don't know. Don't know if the surgery will bring back the use of his right hand. Don't know if he'll be able to walk again without a walker....

  14. very hard on both of you. Wishing him a speedy successful surgery and recovery and the future will bring relief and positive results for both of you.

  15. Sending love, light, and healing.

  16. Sending love, light, and healing.

  17. My heart sank reading the news of all the challenges you are facing currently. Sending you both loads of love, hugs and prayers.

  18. Another Jane5/03/2019 8:16 AM

    Hoping for your husband’s safe and speedy recovery! Take care of yourself, too!


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