Saturday, June 09, 2012

Tiny Tutorial: Sketching & Watercolor

Sketching & Watercolor in Italy ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
I love sketching and watercolor when I travel. Here's a tiny tutorial from my room in Orvieto, Italy, last month.
drawing by Jane LaFazio
I began on a pre-stained piece of watercolor paper. (I spattered and painted it lightly with watercolor before hand, and then let it dry.) I sketched the artichoke in pencil, then refined the drawing in permanent ink.
watercolor by Jane LaFazio
When I began painting the artichoke, you can see I exaggerated and enhanced the color, changing it with each brush stroke. (And leaving plenty of white of the page)
drawing by Jane LaFazio
Sorry I didn't get a photo of the actual wine bottle, but you can imagine it! I drew it carefully in pencil first, then pen.
sketchbook page in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio

watercolor by Jane LaFazio
I shaded the bottle, very lightly with ultramarine blue watercolor, just to give it the impression of glass.
in progress by Jane LaFazio
I did the border in little brown checks but then thought it too bright and 'new' so I blurred it with a wet q-tip.
watercolor by Jane LaFazio

Wine and Artichokes ~ 5x7 inch sketchbook page by Jane LaFazio
There's really no better way to savoring a trip, than by keeping a sketchbook to record the moments.

Here's a little VIDEO I did in Orvieto, of the view from the clock tower. 


  1. Great little tutorial. I remember you said you were going to try doing a video. Ah..success!

  2. Dont the rooves all look wonderful somehow! Pity they cant be captured in a textiles and like the sketch and watercolour make it looks so that takes REAL skill!
    Great choice of music tyoo by the way...........

  3. Wow!- Another wonderful sketchbook page! It's beautiful!!(and inspiring!) enjoyed the video, too!

  4. You blog is one of my favorite. A great way to start my monrning! The drawing lesson is great. I wish to draw like you but one must practice, practice, practice. The video was wonderful - music was a nice touch and those bells!!!! Much thanks for your frequent posts.

  5. Yes I just had to watch the video again...sigh...and I so admire your sketches, you make it look easy but I know better-thank you for sharing the process.

  6. I love your finished piece. Great pointers on your technique. I hope I can go to Italy. Beautiful!


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