It's tooo hot in San Diego! Here's the progress of the pomegrante tree, and my experience with fava beans...
San Diego SketchCrawl this Sunday at Spanish Village, in Balboa Park. This is my week for drawing in the park!
watercolor moleskine
Friday, June 30, 2006
thursday's walk
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Balboa Park Wednesday
The last day of Irina's class. We sketched at the House of Pacific Relations International Cottages in Balboa Park. it was shady and quiet with lots to draw. I had to draw the Norway House, for my husb. The little images are the different chimneys of the hospitality houses.
watercolor moleskine
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Balboa Park Sketching continued

Some of my sketches from Tuesday's "Keeping a Travel Sketchbook" class with Irina Gronborg.
Perspective is a real challenge, but with a lot of practice, I think I can get better at it. The last little image is from The Prado restaurant...salt shaker, candle, sugar and napkins.
And here we are, listening intently to Irina:

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Sketching in Balboa Park for 3 days!!
I'm taking a 3 day class "Keeping a Travel Sketchbook" with Irina Gronborg [through the Athenaeum Library Art School in LaJolla.] We are spending everday, from 10-4 sketching in Balboa Park. Irina's a wonderful teacher and keeps us moving every 20 minutes to simulate the travel experience. I'm learning a lot from Irina, how to be concise, yet detailed where neccessary. And she reminds us, that when you're sketching, you really are THERE and really SEEING. It's great. HOT, though. Like 90 degrees!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
3 pair of sandals
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Bullfrog oboe concert while woodpeckers play percussion.
Husb and I walked down to the Doane's pond about 9am, and sat on a picnic table to sketch. No bugs this morning, and such a beautiful spot. I've never seen or heard so many bullfrogs! (We looked at them with our binoculars, and they are soooo green!) The painting didn't turn out so great, water is hard to paint. I fooled with it when I got home, but decided to just let it be a record of the day, as it should be, and not a great painting. I cheated, by adding GLOSS matt medium to the pond, cuz I couldn't get it to shine with my painting skill! in my watercolor moleskine.
mt palomar campsite
Wonderful campground, but when I painted this, there were soooo many bugs, my left arm was flailing the whole time! Husb and I had a mini-vacaish in the mountains, camping overnite in our tent. It took about 40 minutes, in my watercolor moleskine.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Teaching Art at Los Pen Elementary

Best line of the day: Last week, a third grader was interested in my artwork, so I gave her my website address. Yesterday she comes running over to me, "Miss Jane, Miss Jane, I forgot the name of your website!!!" She said, "I looked up 'Miss Jane' on the internet and couldn't find it." Cracked me up!!!
Portraits of me, by my kindergarten students. Hmmm. Love the grey hair on the one on the left. And the one of the right is pretty acurate! I am tall.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Hubbell House, near Julian, California
Visited James & Anne Hubbell's house, for a fundraiser for their non-profit organization
Their home and studios were destroyed in the 2003 San Diego fires, and they are rebuilding. It's a gorgeous, magical place, even with the blackened trees, a contstant reminder of the terrible firestorm. This was a quick watercolor, done on the spot.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
My watercolor brush...for sketch crawls

My friend, Andrea, gave it to me, on the recommendation of Danny Gregory. (Okay, she gave it to my husb, and I'm borrowing it.)
Saturday, June 17, 2006
June's Radio
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Los Penasquitos Elementary Front Views
I'm channeling Velvetina she's got work on Moleskine: One page at a Time and I really like her style, though mine isn't nearly as delicate as hers. She does the little boxes thing so well.
Watercolor Moleskine.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
kitchen project
My spring/summer project is refinishing our kitchen cabinets. It's hard work! Since it's too hot to work in the garage today [stripping and staining the cabinet doors] I stayed inside and sketched the view from my kitchen table.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
sunflowers at los penasqutios elementary
Monday, June 12, 2006
5 things
I saw this little 'quiz' on someone's blog and decided to do it. FIVE things 1) in my fridge 2) in my purse 3) in my closet 4) in my car and lastly 5) in my life. Just for fun in my moleskine. ink and color pencil.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
cheryl tall sculptures
I have my artwork in a small studio/gallery in Escondido. June 10 was my evening to hang out there, and I did this watercolor of Cheryl Tall's clay sculptures.
Happy Birthday Rick Tucker!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Passion Flower
Thursday, June 08, 2006
kindergartener backpacks
abstract art (artist age: 6)
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Another View from the Los Penasquitos Elementary School Playground
I had time between classes, (I teach art a few days a week), and this time painted the hill of houses north of the playground. The sketch took only 20 minutes, but the watercolor painting took over an hour. So many different greens to mix! As usual, a gaggle of kids surrounded me with comments and questions, and even compliments on my earrings.
In my Watercolor Moleskine journal.
Mystery Fruit
Monday, June 05, 2006
SketchCrawl in San Juan Capistrano
Twenty of us, from the So Cal DrawingRoom met up in San Juan Capistrano to sketch and paint the nearby mission and its beautiful gardens. A group of us rode up on the train from San Diego. A lovely day, and the weather was perfect.
I'm loving my Moleskine Watercolor Journal!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
#7. Ralph's Letters
I'm methodically encasing each of Ralph's letters and envelopes in organza. Stitching, reading, stitching. Just 3 more letters to go, and then I will work on the composition of all the pieces together. My plan is a large quilt, that will hang in the center of a gallery, so viewers can see both sides of the piece. I've got to rig up something in my studio, to hang the piece while I work, so I can see it as a whole. I haven't laid out the whole thing, so I really have no clue of the finished size.
By the way, I found Ralph. He teaches High School English in So. Cal. Here's a link (entitled Lowe Down) to his writings as an English Prof. As you'll see, he still writes beautifully. I'm exciting about being in touch with him after 30 years.....